Handwash stations at HCF in Ethiopia

WASH in Health Care Facilities (HCFs) for Splash International






Applied research and evaluation

Program strategy




Splash is a non-profit organization that designs child-focused water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH) and menstrual health solutions with governments in some of the world’s largest, low-resource cities. Splash has world primarily in school and is looking to apply their expertise to strengthen WASH facilities at Health Care Facilities (HCFs). Informed partnered with Splash to evaluate the opportunities for programming in HCFs. Informed synthesized existing information, as well as completed primary data collection through key informant interviews and a HCF assessment.


The assessment had four main objectives:

  1. Validate Splash’s preliminary assumptions and research targeting WASH in HCFs

  2. Evaluate the HCF market opportunity for Splash

  3. Complete an assessment of at least 10 HCFs

  4. Develop a pilot program approach for WASH in 5-10 HCFs


Inception activities: Informed International carried out an interactive inception workshop with Splash program staff to better understand programming approaches and how the program might adapt to HCFs. The workshop also provided an opportunity to align expectations with regard to the consultancy. The workshop, alongside a thorough desk review, informed the development of an inception report.

Market assessment (secondary data): The team worked with the Ministry of Health to examine the health system database, exploring the questions: What is the current size of the market for WASH in HCFs in Ethiopia? How will the size or current market change over the next few years?

Market assessment (primary data): Informed carried out 10 HCF visits and assessments. Using the WASHCon and WASHFIT tools, the team gathered comprehensive data on water, hygiene, sanitation, and management within the HCFs.

Analysis and Sense-Making: Informed did an initial analysis of data and presented findings to the Splash team for feedback. This helped the team interpret findings and ensured that analysis was considering their interests.

Reporting and Dissemination: Results were compiled in a variety of formats for dissemination to various people throughout the organization. The results also informed recommendations for a pilot project in HCFs.


Note: The complete assessment report is an internal document.

Check out Splash’s work on their website.