Our Vision

To inform, create, identify, and enable projects that lead to sustainable and equitable outcomes for those living in the most challenging situations.

Our Mission

Informed International believes that everyone has the right to be informed with data, resources, and information. We work to create research, monitoring, and evaluation that is going to be easily understood and immediately put-to-use to improve programming. Our program designs aim to change the world by thinking outside-of-the-box, creating business opportunities that improve social wellbeing. Ultimately, Informed’s mission is to leave the world a better place today than it was yesterday.

Our Story

The team at Informed has on-the-ground experience from local implementation of education programming in over 20 countries throughout Africa and Asia. Every community is unique and every story is different. We draw on this broad experience to think critically and be creative in order to find solutions. Having experience working for and with a variety of stakeholders, we can effectively work within complex relationships between donors, funding agencies, global operation teams, project teams, and recipients.

Through all of these years we have worked to make a positive impact on the developing world, we have seen many endeavors fail. The results of even the best efforts disappear after several years. We recognize that new approaches are needed. That's why we're working to set up self-sustaining, socially driven businesses. 

Through our consulting, we set up systems that enable evidence-informed programming and build local capacity to carry out, analyze, and interpret program data. We carry out impact evaluations for donors and cross-country analyses for program refinement. Through these activities, we bring clients and projects new ideas, insights, and offer fresh perspectives to the biggest challenges of today.