Applied Research & Evaluation

Showcasing your program’s success and the impact it has on participants is our top priority. Our services range from study design and data collection through to quantitative and qualitative data analysis and reporting. We will assist your organization in learning how to improve your program while providing the evidence needed to increase impact and gain additional support. Our goal is for our clients to find our research and evaluation outputs actionable, identifying areas of success as well as specific challenges and recommendations for improving future iterations of projects.

 Our Areas of expertise

  • Impact Assessments

  • Operational Research

  • Process Evaluations

  • Developmental Evaluation

  • Action Learning Workshops

  • Principles-Focused Evaluation

  • Early Grade Reading Assessments (EGRA)

  • Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA)

Examples of our work

developmental evaluation for school leadership and management project model

From 2019 to 2021, Informed worked with Save the Children Norway and Save the Children Nepal to develop an innovative project model for effective school leadership and management. To ensure that data regularly fed into the program design and development, we led a Developmental Evaluation as part of the process. Learn more about the approach in this video.

Deep Development program evaluation

dZi Foundation, in partnership with Vitol Foundation, contracted Informed to evaluate their organizational and programming practices and its relationship to donor engagement. The process required a 360-degree review of the organization which included engaging program participants, local implementing partners, local government, program staff, dZi board members, and donors to inform the strategic approach of dZi Foundation moving forward. Much of the work focused on facilitating reflections of what dZi has accomplished since 1998, articulating challenges, and the vision moving forward. A journey map was used to assist the organization in reflecting on its achievements, its struggles, and its history.

dZi Journey Map

Three Country Evaluation of I’m Learning

The final country reports can be found here:

The final summative report can be found here.